

simple static frontend website with 2-3 pages navigation

  • 4 Revisions
  • 2-3 pages
  • Responsive design
  • API requests data
  • Database connection(CRUD operations)


React Js dynamic website with 3-4 pages navigation

  • 4 Revisions
  • 3-4 pages
  • Responsive design
  • API requests data
  • Database connection(CRUD operations)


MERN stack web app with CRUD operations

  • 6 Revisions
  • 5-6 pages
  • Responsive design
  • API requests data
  • Database connection(CRUD operations)
  • User Authentication(Login,Sign up)


MERN stack web app with CRUD operations and full user authentication

  • 10 Revisions
  • 8-10 pages
  • Responsive design
  • API requests data
  • Database connection(CRUD operations)
  • User Authentication(Login,Sign up)

Important questions,have a look😊

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
VERY-SOON.Now I currently i am quiet busy and already working on a very big project for my startup.after some time i'll start making websites,apps for clients.Till then i am improving my skills more and more so that you can get a better project.
YES!they may changes accoring to your project level.they may decrease or even increase.It all depends on what type of project do you want.
Yes before giving me the full amount of money the client can preview the final project made for him and if incase the client doesn't like the project then him remaining amount will be refunded.
--> javascript bootstarp